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Brady M-48-498 repositionable vinyl fabric labels, 25.4mm x 19.05mm (original Brady)

€43.50 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€35.37 Excl. 23% VAT)
in external w/house
Use the M-48-498 labels with your Brady label printer. These labels are ideal for wire and cable marking (maximum diameter 5.1mm) and use in laboratories. Even in the freezer, this label will stick. The white labels have a semi-gloss finish and are made of vinyl fabric. This package contains 180 pieces. Dimensions: 19.05mm x 25.40mm.
Type: vinyl fabric Brand: Brady
Tape colour: white Capacity: 180 Quantity
Dimensions: 19.05 x 25.4 mm OEM: M-48-498