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Canon BCI-15C colour ink cartridge 2-pack (original Canon)

Product Brand - Canon
€29.50 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€23.98 Excl. 23% VAT)
EU warehouse

2 x Original Canon BCI-15C colour ink cartridge (7.5ml each)

Total ink: 15ml

Colour: three colours Brand: Canon
Type: inkjet cartridge OEM: 8191A002
Contents: 2 x 7.5 ml EAN: 4960999174983
Capacity: - Our item no: 014050
Save 70.3% compared to the original cartridge!

save on your printing costs. And with 3 ml more content.

Canon BCI-15C colour ink cartridge 2-pack (123ink version)

Canon BCI-15C colour ink cartridge 2-pack (123ink version) for €10.50

TipWe advise you to take the 123ink version of this 2-pack instead!

Canon BCI-15BK/15C 8-pack (123ink version)

* Save more! * Product Brand - Canon
€24.50 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€19.92 Excl. 23% VAT)
in stock
delivery 24h
Order now, we can ship this today!
Quality Assured! Save EVEN more on the multipack!

4 x 123ink brand Canon BCI-15BK black ink cartridge (5.5ml each)

4 x 123ink brand Canon BCI-15C colour ink cartridge (9ml each)

Total ink: 58ml

Of course these 123ink products also come with a 100% warranty!

Contents: 56.8 ml

We advise you to take this 8-pack instead of the original!