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Epson LK-6WBVS black on white cable tape, 24mm (original Epson)

This product is end of life.
Product Brand - Epson
The original Epson LK-6WBVS cable tape black on white can be used in combination with an Epson lettering system. The LK-6WBVS tape is 24mm wide, 8m long and made for industrial cables. This laminated label tape is waterproof, cold and heat resistant and resistant to chemicals and oil. You can use this flexible vinyl tape both indoors and outdoors, on smooth and rough surfaces.
Text colour: black Number: LK-6WBVS
Tape colour: white Material: laminated
Dimensions: 24 mm x 8 m OEM: C53S656022
Brand: Epson Our item no: 084362