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Kyocera DK-5160 drum (original Kyocera)

This product is end of life.
Product Brand - Kyocera
The Kyocera DK-5160 drum ensures that your laser printer builds every print correctly. The drum is an essential part of your printer. Thanks to its long life, this drum is very suitable for printers in busy offices. It lasts approximately 300,000 pages (in A4 format)

Note: This is a drum, not a toner!
A drum is not a replacement for an empty toner. Order a drum only if your laser printer indicates that the drum needs to be replaced.
Colour: - Number: DK-5160
Type: drum OEM: 302NT93010
Brand: Kyocera EAN: -
Capacity: ± 300,000 pages Our item no: 094612