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Rapesco 21/4 galvanized staples (2000-pack)

€2.66 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€2.16 Excl. 23% VAT)
in external w/house
The Rapesco 21/4 staples keep all your papers close together. They are made of high-quality steel wire with a galvanized finish. The chisel point provides extra strength, so your documents do not fall apart.
Type: standard Capacity: until 10 sheets
Type: galvanised Measurement: 21/4
Brand: Rapesco Quantity: 2,000 Quantity
Order staple remover
123ink black staple remover for #24 and #26 staples

123ink black staple remover for #24 and #26 staples from €1.50 for €1.35