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Rapid 9/12 super strong galvanised staples (5,000-pack)

€13.95 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€11.34 Excl. 23% VAT)
in external w/house
Rapid 9/12 super strong staples are designed specifically for the HD9 (heavy duty) stapler. The staples are made of stainless steel wire and legs 12 mm long. Each staple can be used for the stapling of up to 90 sheets.
Brand: Rapid Type: SuperStrong
Type: galvanised Capacity: until 90 sheets
Measurement: 9/12 Quantity: 5,000 Quantity
Order staple remover
123ink black staple remover for #24 and #26 staples

123ink black staple remover for #24 and #26 staples from €1.50 for €1.35