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Scrub Daddy grey damp duster

€4.46 (Incl. 23% VAT)
(€3.63 Excl. 23% VAT)
in external w/house
The well-known brand Scrub Daddy offers a wide range of texture changing sponges, each with playful designs. The sponges are scratch-free, can be used on any material and can be used for up to 8 weeks!

This grey Scrub Daddy damp duster effortlessly takes care of all the dust in your home. One wipe and all dust particles and other contaminants are absorbed by this sponge, even the dust you can't see! The ripples on the sponge means it will hold the dust, rather than letting it fly elsewhere in your home.

This damp duster is pre-moistened in the packaging, but must be dampened with water before each use. The dust will remain in the sponge until rinsed under a tap again.
Pack size: 1 Type: Duster
Colour: grey Brand: Scrub Daddy
Type: Vapor Duster Height: 15
Width: 5 Length: 6