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Zebra 3000T Gloss polyethylene (880291-025D) 51mm x 25mm (12 rolls)

This product is end of life.
Original Zebra 880291-025D Polyethylene 3000T Gloss labels have a shiny white top coat with a permanent adhesive on acrylic base. These thermal transfer labels are very suitable for use on rough and broken surfaces and can be used both indoors and outdoors. These labels can be used for on pallets, chemical drums and many other applications.

These labels work best in combination with Zebra ribbon number 05095GS06407.
Application: thermal transfer Brand: Zebra
Labels/roll: 2,398 Number: 880291-025D
Core: - Type: PolyE 3000T
Dimensions: 51 x 25 mm Quantity: 12