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123ink own-brand ink cartridges
Frequently asked questions about the 123ink own-brand cartridges.Do the 123ink ink cartridges fit in my printer?Yes, our own brand ink cartridges, just like original cartridges, are specially designed for certain printer types. Hence, you can expect seamless compatibility and optimal performance in your printer. How can a 123ink own-brand ink cartridge manage to hold a greater volume of ink? An ink cartridge is never entirely filled with ink, with the quantity varying from one cartridge to another. Our 123ink own-brand cartridges include at least the same amount of ink as the original cartridges, but often have (up to three times) more ink! Do own-brand label ink cartridges pose a risk to my printer's performance or warranty coverage? Absolutely not. It's against the law for a manufacturer to engage in tying, as per both EU legislation and national laws, and mandate the use of original ink cartridges from the manufacturer. Do you have more questions about the 123ink own-brand? View our complete 123ink FAQ. |